Thursday, April 1, 2010

Boycott Discovery Channel & Tell Them

You are adamantly against their nutty idea to have a show featuring that all-time overwhelmingly disgusting bimbo, Sarah Palin. She is anti-environmental on every level - trees, oil, polar bears, caribou; doesn't know the meaning of the word "respect" or the term "show respect"; has made some of the most demeaning remarks about grassroots people of every race ("joe sixpack" & such YUCK!); and is about as anti-IndigenUs as is to be found.

In the way of my People, she would be called a "nothing woman". The majority culture being what it is, however, few members of it will stand up & say "pipe down!"

If you who read this blog feel similarly, then by all means, email Discovery Channel or complain via their website. The time is now! Tell them you will not watch Discovery Channel at all, nor will you let your children/grandchildren watch. There is no excuse for featuring someone as disgusting & offensive as Sarah-the-bimbo. Tell them you've had enough. Mitakuye oiasin.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Kick A Hole in the Wind & Jump Through

Hanh mitakuyapi. Sometimes you just have to kick a hole in the wind & jump through if you're going to achieve a goal. I've been living in dire soul-grinding poverty for a number of years, despite a huge number of skills at a very high level, plenty of tenacity & determination, flexibility, & creativity - so say my many friends, not merely me. Admittedly, I say it too - if you diss yourself, you burden yourself, so while I poke fun at myself & my sense of humor runs to satire & irony (& puns! let us have puns!), I don't have a poor self-image.

I come from a blue-collar background, but I've been in business since I was 5. That's right, takoszja - 5 years walking on the earth. I got expelled from kindergarten for showing too much initiative for an Indn kid. I had a business, & did a land-office business for awhile.. as a scribe.

I could read & write when I was 3-1/2 years on the earth, so I put together a booklet with 6 different hand-writing styles in it, went to the other kids in my kindergarten class, & pointed out that while anyone could have the teacher sign their pictures, it was way cool to have another little kid do it.. And that for a mere 10 cents a week each, I would sign all the pictures each one wanted, changing hand-writing styles if s/he wanted.

At the tender age of 5, I was making $2.60 a week! I was a millionaire! Well, I was going to be..

Then the kindergarten teacher found out about my business & she insisted that I (a) stop & (b) apologize to the rest of the class( ! ) Knowing in my heart of hearts that I had done nothing wrong, I refused. She expelled me. The first of many times, you can be sure. Eventually, by the time I graduated high school, I had been expelled so many times for such "excessively creative" activities, my shoes pretty much knew the way home without me in them. Tch, tch!

My birther thought it was kind of amusing. My foster father did not. He told me he appreciated my initiative & creativity, but that I was going to have to apologize 'because that's how things are done". This after teaching me that that is about the poorest reason on earth for continuing any practice. Boy, did he get a wrong number! I refused. We discussed. He insisted. I refused. We went round n round this way for several days.

Finally, he told me that if I didn't apologize, he was going to tan my behind with his belt. I told him this was child abuse. He agreed ( ! ). He started removing his belt & I told him I was going to tell the world.. he replied that no one would do anything; that's how much freedom had to discipline their children. I replied that belting a kid's backside was not discipline, it was outrageous & abuse. He argued outrageous, but agreed with abuse & finished it with, "so what?!?"

Being quick, I thought, "but you didn't tell me what to say & I'll bet you won't ask", so I said, "I would be doing it under coercion". I spoke that way, even then, takoszja.. He responded, "I don't care if you do it under an umbrella, just so you do it." So the next morning, he & I & the birther went to the school so I could apologize to the class.

The adults stood along the west side of the room - kindergarten teacher, principal, birther, & foster father - all with their arms crossed over their chests & looking stern. (As iff stern looks would cow one like me. HAH!) My classmates sat in front of them, glaring at me.

I looked them over & said, "200 years ago, everyone was like you. They could not read or write, so they took things to people who could. Such people were well-respected & well-paid; they were called 'scribes'. Ben Franklin spoke highly of them. Today, busy executives use them & call them 'secretaries'. Until the adults convinced you that I had done something wrong, you thought that having me sign your pictures was pretty nifty. You were right. So I'm sorry you let the adults pull the wool over your eyes in this matter - but I'm not sorry for anything I did, because I didn't do anything wrong."

Then I looked at the adults, whose expressions ranged from hidden amusement to stunned, crossed my arms over my chest, & said, "and that's as good as it gets." The foster father bit off a smile & said, "I should have asked what you were going to say." I replied, "Yeah, but you didn't. You said apologize, & I have. Subject was never mentioned, nor were specific words or perspective." He bit off another grin & said, "Kid, you're going to be a lawyer." I replied, "Uh-uh! Lawyering's dirty! I'm going to be in business! business is fun!" And so it has been, the great majority of the time.

Now, after some scum sabotaged my Leather Restoration Service web site, terrorized my web master, & sabotaged my work room (after they battered down a door to get in), I have built a new site - for my custom handmade moose & buffalo leather mocassins. I have listed it on Google's business listings. And I have told you. You can see my work at . Eventually, there will be other parts of Indian Maid Products Inc's product line on sites there. We're baaaack.. Whee! I rattle my tongue for this.

I don't claim to be a webmaster. I used a template & filled in the blanks. I'm still learning things like SEO. But my shingle is back out & I'm back in business. Mitakuye oiasin. Thanks for listening.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Congrats to the Haitian Voodoo Association

Hanh mitakuyapi. Whether you know it by now or not, I absolutely hate, detest, & abhor 'missionaries'. They are responsible for more misery among Indigenous Peoples around the world than any other cultural aspect.

On NPR this morning, there was a piece about a dozen or so Baptist missionaries having been jailed in Haiti for trying to take a large number of children - age 2 - 12 - out of Haiti illegally. The missionaries claim they were "only" taking the children to a brand new orphanage their group had just had built in another country.
After all, it needs occupants, right? So how better to get them than by stealing children from Haitians, who are in need of 'help' of all kinds, they figured. And in the process, they would convert these children from their Native Spiritual Way (wonderfully Pagan) to Baptist Christianity.

The parents of many of these children have been found, & were in the process of collecting their children from whatever camps they were already in, when the missionaries swooped down on the scene & tried to make off with the children. Luckily, the people of the Haiti Voodo Association were on the watch for just this kind of outrageous behavior, and they stopped the missionaries.

I rattle my tongue for the HVA people! I send my strongest prayers to aid them. As a Sun Dancer with a most public Prayer, I am therefore a Pipe Carrier. I know full well, up close & personal, about the outrages committed by missionaries against Indigenous People of Turtle Island these past 500+ years. You haven't lived until you've been accosted by one of these low-lifes - with their superiority complex - & had the distinct non-pleasure of being told that you - a grandmother, college-educated, speaker of 9 languages, with a lifetime of accomplishments - are "misguided", 'misinformed', 'duped', & ' a devil-worshipper' or 'in league with devils'.

While I am a rabid supporter of the Constitution & Bill of Rights, I have no doubt whatsoever that this applies first & foremost to my & my Peoples' Right - not privilege - to worship as we please, without any interference, or efforts at interference - from anyone, any time, anywhere, in any way. That definitely includes Indigenous People the world over as well.

For anyone who has an axe to grind with Voodoo - I know almost nothing about it. It is not my place to attack a spiritual Way that has been seen as valid by thousands of people for years uncountable - and it is no one else's place to do so, either, particularly by stealing children on the pretext of helping them. We IndigenUs People of Turtle Island are still seeing the terrible effects of the soul-collection efforts of missionaries, from the Boarding School Days, to the entire Reservation Period (which is still going on), on & off our Rezs. It's up to us and our Traditional Spiritual leaders to stop these outrages against our Ways - especially via our children.

The single most intimate thing any of us ever does is commune & connect with our individual, personal vision of All That Is Holy; there fore, it is the single most important thing we ever do, either. I hope the Haitian government slaps the Baptists hard for this outrageous assault on their Traditional Spiritual Ways.
Mitakuye oiasin - All, my relatives.