Friday, May 30, 2008

China, Quakes, Population Problem

Hanh mitakuyapi. We've been reading about the death count after the earthquakes in China since May 12, and the number appears pretty hefty.
To those who have lost loved ones, the immediate impact and loss are tragedies, of course.
But in the face of human over-population of our Holy Mother the Earth - most of it in China - is 68,000 really all that many? I can hear the flack already from the "humans are sacred" camp, but the answer really is, "No. It's such a tiny drop in the bucket, that compared to the burden humans have become on the earth, it is negligible. Let's run the numbers and get a new - more realistic - perspective.

The current estimate of human population on our Holy Mother the Earth is 6 billion 500 million. That's 6,500,000,000. The death count in China is about 68,000. If you divide 68,000 by 6,500,000,000 - breaking it down in easy steps - you get 68 / 6,500,000; or about 1/ 1,000,000. If you want to express this number as a percentage, it is 1/10,000 of 1 %, or 0.0001 %.
In terms anyone can relate to, if you have 1,000,000 $1 bills in a room and you lose one of them, can you tell at a glance? No. Is there 'noticeably' more air, water, food, or space in the room? No.

Our Holy Mother the Earth is our "room". We humans all share her bounty for our entire lives. We ITI refer to the earth as our Mother because She provides us with every physical thing we need to survive during our lives. The passing of 68,000 humans from this life is not a tragedy for them. They have no cares now.
Unfortunately, the loss of 0.0001% of the current human population is not a real big stress-reliever relative to the needs of the rest of us who share the room on this planet - the Standing Nation (plants; rain forest, for example); the water people (fish, many species in danger of extinction from over-fishing to feed humans); the four-leggeds (too many to mention, especially those in danger of extinction due to human over-population); and concerning all.. global warming, which is caused by human activities - and there are too many humans. The ongoing mass die-offs of bees is a warning sign no one should ignore - most of our food crops require bees to pollinate them or we get no crops!

The most responsible thing humans can do these days is not reproduce themselves. We should be rewarding women who refuse to have babies and men who refuse to sire them. This doesn't mean living without bed-sports; it means dedicated use of contraceptives, including tying tubes and vasectomies. It also means ceasing to caterwaul about human deaths as 'tragedies' when in reality, they contribute to saving the rest of the world from mass extinctions. Every 'drop' counts, in this bucket..

So - what have you done today to help heal the Sacred Hoop of the world, of which you, too, are a part?

Scam Warning for Writers

Hanh mitakuyapi. I don't have much patience with whining, but I'm fond of complaining when complaint is due. This post is a complaint as well as a warning.
Recently there have been sites coming out on the Web for writers. Some of them promise payment for your writings. They appear to be practice sites as well as posting places for aspiring writers.
I'm not an "aspiring" writer - I've got over 30 copyrights; I've been published since high school (when guys went around in iron suits, rescuing damsels and fighting dragons..) The site interested me, though, so I began to read and rate for one of them - Helium.
Until very recently, I was the "Job Search" sub-channel steward for this site. They promise payment for "contestants" who read and write for the site, so over the winter, I wrote and rated enough for the site to receive an email from them telling me I had earned $194.00 in a "competition" that was to end April 14, 2008.
Suddenly on April 2, 2008, I could not access the site. Others tried and they couldn't access my account, either. It was there, but I couldn't get "on". I immediately became suspicious. My contacts further up the hierarchy assured me there was no reason for my suspicions, and they felt "terrible" on my behalf. They did what they could to straighten out the problem, they said.
Except it didn't straighten out, and ultimately, the highest ranking of these people told me she "had" to go along with "the wisdom of those higher up" who "have a bigger view" of the site and those who write for it - they weren't paying me the $194.00 the email stated unequivocally I had earned. I had definitely earned it; there is no doubt.
I lambasted her and them and left the site.
So - if you are an "aspiring" writer looking for pay for your words - avoid "Helium". We can't say they're full of hot air over there, but we can say you can't breathe their atmosphere and survive over there, and they are nothing but dishonest and a scam.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Shut Down What??

Hanh mitakuyapi. I've been sick on and off the whole last year or so, and most of the time, didn't know it. A-maz-ing! I all-but-never get sick. Injured, yes; sick, practically never.
Given that I have fibromyalgia, I thought it was something to do with that. Turns out I was wrong.
My life is stressful to a degree most people can't imagine. "Ordinary" mortals will say - and have - "So relax! Take some time off! Take it easy!" I am the Woman who Dances The Four Winds, so this is not an option for me like it is for the rest of you. The Four Winds is a prayer to heal the Sacred Hoop of the world (Indn world first). The Spirits have made this plainly and abundantly clear to me. No complaints.. It's why I'm here. Sooner or later, I would have ended up back here on the earth, doing what I am.
But somewhere in 'the fine print' there's a catch. Namely that if the physical body feels enough of certain kinds of stress, it can shut down, either in part or in whole. Mine shut down in part, and nearly 'in whole' last year.
Once we had a handle on this, we could begin treating it to some degree. But.... I'm a Traditional healer of my People and majority culture medicine doesn't generally do me much good. It often has harmed me, in fact.
What shut down? My endocrine system; and when it did, it either took my liver with it or the liver hiccupped and took the endocrine system with it - seems you can't have one operate properly without the other.
I'm mending now - taking lots of supplements, both nutritional and herbal, to detoxify my system and then to rebuild it again. But it is another adventure of the type - I'd rather have heard about it....
Symptoms - you might like those.. No energy. None. Desperate need to rest even after only being up a short time; not resting when sleeping. Stiffness far worse than usual. Inability to focus up close. For someone who makes a chunk of her living doing beadwork and leather restoration, this is crucial! No strength despite good muscle tone. Strange colors to urine and feces. since I've lived healthy all my life, these symptoms really bothered. Inability to keep my mind on things. No concentration.
It finally came to a head one morning when I woke up and found that, while I could move my fingers and toes, I couldn't move them quickly, and I couldn't turn over! I didn't have enough strength or energy to move. It took close to 20 minutes to wiggle around to where I could move an arm to get the phone so I could call a friend for help.
She came, I told her how to find and massage acupressure points for energy and tonifying, she did, and I eventually could move enough to crawl to the bathroom. Maybe this isn't important for you on waking, but it is for me, and has been my entire life. Crawling to get around is not high on my list of fun things to do, by the way..
I'm recovering now. I'm not "into" long, drawn-out 'leavings', so I like this. For all of you Type A's out there - you might think about this as a repulsive option to simply dropping dead from stress. Just a thought, on behalf of your loved ones.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Obama, Elitists, and Jeremiah Wrong

Hanh mitakuyapi. I got an email from a political site recently asking for comments on Obama, elitists and elitism, and Jeremiah "Wright"s comments. Let's discuss JW first.
Jeremiah "Wright" is well & truly Wrong. About nearly everything I've heard him comment on. That said, we come to some Traditional Lakota Teachings about such: (1) Bad words are like the wind blowing around you. Ignore them and keep to your trail. (2) Some statements are so stupid, they don't deserve the dignity of further response. This proves that lack of response does not mean you thought the speaker was right.. Remember "the silent majority".. They subscribe to this Teaching.
Reconsider (1) and ignore the noisy mouths such as J Wrong. If all else fails or you need reinforcement for (1) and (2) above, there's (3) Consider the source (of the remarks) and rise above it. Is sometimes harder to do than it sounds, but is well worth the effort. It's about dignity and keeping your self-respect.
On to elitists and elitism. My perspective on them is, elitists are people of small souls, small minds, and small views. They 'think' others "suck up" to them.
Since I Walk with a Holy Pipe, there is no one for me to "suck up" to, so I don't..
In our Lakota Way, the Teaching about that for 'everyone else' is, "As the Keeper of a Pipe lives, so live the People who come close to Them." So now there's no "sucking up" for you, either. So much for elitists and elitism. And with luck, Obama. And Hilary. And John McC. I plan to write in either "None of the above. Give us some REAL choices for a change!" or vote for my dog. His name is Chakli, if you want to join me.. (It means "coal" in my language.)
On Obama.. I haven't liked the man since he first began to run, and it has taken awhile for me to figure out why. He's what we ITI call "a salesman". He's an elitist, he's slick, and while he seems to believe he's telling us the truth, I don't hear the ring of it when he speaks. My gut reaction is to tune him out and look elsewhere for a candidate for President. My gut reactions have never been wrong, and I'm a great grandmother now..
When GWB first ran for President, I asked myself my standard question for determining if I should vote for him - "would I buy a used vehicle from this person knowing no more about him/her than I do right now?" My gut reaction was a screaming, "No! No way!" History has proven my gut reaction right, hmm?
I'll talk about Hilary and John McC separately. Back to Obama..
He doesn't seem to be part of the mainstream black 'tribe'. He strikes me as some kind of sellout, from whatever "black tribe mindset" may exist, to what I call "white middle-class blahness". He has made disparaging remarks about "blackness" in America. He and his wife made $4.6 million in 2007, which definitely puts him apart from mainstream blacks in the U.S. He just doesn't seem real.
What he reminds me of most is Bill Clinton without the dick-think problem. He wants what he wants, and to heck with what we want. Or need. He 'thinks' he knows better than the rest of us what we most need. I'm always leery of people like that.
Obama reaches out, but he doesn't make contact. Not with this Indn, anyway. And to heck with what "the tribes" have decided. Tribal councils have almost never been in line with the wants and needs of their People since some time in the 1850's, and more so since IRA 1934. So don't be fooled that most ITI want Obama just because some tribal councils have said they think he's the best choice. The majority of us ITI don't necessarily agree.