Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Felt a Paradigm Shift

Hanh mitakuyapi. Hello my relatives. We have the first mixed-blood, dark-skinned President in the long history of the "united" states. I often wonder what the states are united about - other than bigotry & denial of same. But not this time. We, the People, have spoken and we have made ourselves heard.
Before someone hollers, "you were for Barack Obama all the time!", I'll point out that Barack Obama was not my first choice for Presidential nominee. Joe Biden was. Since Joe Biden is the Vice President, I'm a happy camper. He has input of concepts I like and support. Obama seeks input from others than himself - he is the 'new style' boss I've been for over 20 years.
So why didn't I like him from the start? I can't entirely say, except for one thing. In virtually every picture I've seen of him, he's looking somewhere other than at the camera, even if his face is facing the camera. This bothers me - in a non-Indn. It's a very Indn Thing to do, especially for us Traditionals. Logical? Not particularly. But that's how it is.
The other thing is that over the years I've come to expect to actively dislike whoever was asking for my vote & my support - & while I don't get all warm n fuzzy over Barack Obama, I don't dislike him, either. I just have a strong "wait-&-see" feeling. I've learned to listen to my gut reactions; they are never wrong. Never.
Just the same, actions speak louder than words, and looking at Barack Obama's record, his actions speak well of & for him.
It feels somehow odd not to feel as if we have to wait for a pickup-load of other shoes to drop, like we have with W & company. I want to get used to it. I'm willing to give it time.
Meantime, I'm working on a sign to put on the pickup. It reads, "January 20, 2008 - End of an Error". Unless there's a better one comes to me in the meantime..
No matter - for now, I'm rattling my tongue for this victory of, by, and for Us, the People. And thanking Tunkashila heartily for it. Mitakuye oiasin.