Friday, September 5, 2008

Ice SHELVES Have Fallen Into The Ocean

Hanh mitakuyapi. Hello my relatives.
If there are still skeptics "out there", yesterday's online headlines stated that an ice shelf the size of Massachusetts has fallen into the Arctic Ocean.
This redefines "scary" for any thinking person. For this horse-Indn ITI, it's scarier, because I am the woman who Dances The Four Winds - a prayer from Lakota Traditional spirituality to heal the Sacred Hoop of the world.
Everyone is a part of this hoop, as is every kind of People - the Standing Nation (plants, e.g.), the Rock Nation, the Water Nation, the Winged People, the Unktechhi (little monsters that live in warm, wet, dark places and make you very ill), the 2-Leggeds (humans), the 4-Leggeds, the no-Leggeds; - our Holy Mother the Earth and all we who live together on Her.
I Danced my obaghi (sacred commitment) twice, as the spirits directed me; giving flesh twice, overcame all the obstacles that tried to stop me, so far as I know. As in anything, I gave it my best shot, and pray it was good enough. The Elders said I did a good job. I trust them to know better than I, since when I'm in the ceremonial way, I'm between this world and the spirit world, so my perspective is different, to say the least.
So when I read that this huge block of incredibly ancient ice and snow has separated from the land it has been stuck to for thousands of years, I become very uncomfortable.
I realized when I made the obaghi that the world would still go through some radical changes. My prayer includes that no species becomes extinct as a result of these changes. But when confronted with a change as huge as an ice shelf the size of Massachusetts falling into the Arctic Ocean, I pray my prayer more often and with greater intensity than I have in the past.
This storehouse of data on the earth's history can't be put back, after all. Once it melts, all of that information will be lost forever.
You who read this are welcome to join me in praying for the healing of the Sacred Hoop of the world, since you, too, are a part of it. In the long run, after all, it's your skin you're praying to save & to keep from suffering unduly due to radical climate change, too.
Mitakuye oiasin.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Abstinence and You

Hanh mitakuyapi.
Republican VP nominee Palin is a big backer of the concept that the only viable sex-ed teaching is "abstinence only", and that it is the only "moral" way to teach our young about the facts of life. As we've seen in the case of her daughter (and thousands of other people), it doesn't work unless people abstain from fun in the sack, which just is not likely.
Until Sara Palin's daughter became pregnant, I have no doubt that Sara carried on to anyone who would listen about how her daughter would "never" do such a disgusting, immoral thing as play in the sack with a male before she was duly married. HAH!
Why Sara Palin would believe that her children are any more 'moral' than any others is beyond me, but to me, it says "Sara Palin, like everyone else of her ilk, lies about many things." 'Morality' in particular.
I thoroughly dislike this woman who is so irresponsible as to have 5 children in today's grossly over-populated world; who pontificates about her 'morality' and her "Christianity" and how she is a maverick. Methinks the lady doth proclaim too much - & at too high a level - about herself.
As for her daughter - How many 17-year-olds do you know of who are likely to abstain from this particular experimenting, given the number of periodicals dedicated to teenagers and how to "get/catch/trap a guy"? For that matter, how many people of any age? Not a large number, I expect.
What makes me laugh is how the "Christian wrong" crowd suddenly are "fully behind Sara & the daughter" in this matter - where just full breaths ago, they were ranting about 'morality' and 'immorality' and 'sex outside of marriage'. Notice how they refer to it as 'sex'?
They say, "I had sex" the same way you would say, "I had a sandwich". On rye, a hoagie, a bagel? Hm.
Long time ago I was a passenger in a car crash. The lead attorney for the insurance company was a woman of about 60. She had rubies & diamonds on all of her fingers & thumbs & kept twiddling them at me, the subliminal message being, "I have power over you".
This annoyed me, since we both knew she didn't, and I truly enjoy leading pompous arrogant people down the garden path - & watching them fall into a tiger pit. Really cracks me up.
This attorney finally asked me what kinds of things could I no longer do due to my injuries from the crash, compared to before it. I said, "I can no longer hike like I did, hunt like I did, ride horse like I did, and bed-sports aren't nearly as comfortable now."
She squinted her eyes, peered at me, then said in a dry, dusty voice, "Bed-sports. I don't think I know what that is."
I looked her slowly up & down & then said slowly, "I can believe that.."
The 6 male attorneys & the judge all caught it immediately & had a terrific time trying to squelch snorts & gurgles & laughter. She caught it about a minute later, & was she ever mad! I just smirked at her.
She snarled softly, "You think you're so0o smart; don't you!"
I replied, "Smart enough to know you're trying to play a mind game about who has more power, with your twiddling your fingers full of rubies and diamonds. And to show you plainly that your game isn't working on me."
The male attornies gasped. The judge arched his eyebrows & got a very thoughtful look on his face. She just sat there with smoke coming off her head. Someone later told me that this attorney was just not used to anyone talking back to her. She was a bully & most people suckered for her bullying. Luckily, I'm not most people, and neither are you.
Whether we're talking about Sara Palin or the female attorney, the orientation is the same. Both are unrealistic in their approach to romance, education about basic human "urges", and the expression of love that takes place in various places, but probably most often in beds. The "abstinence only" teaching does much to underscore the fact that accidents make people. But it doesn't work; & anyone who insists it does is lying to herself and to the rest of the world.
She won't get my vote.