Monday, September 14, 2009


Hanh mitakuyapi. Since March 7, 2009, I've been applying for jobs. As many as 6in one day ( ! ). I recently began listing mycurrent occupation as "job applicant" as a result. Why? Because of short-sighted & just plain stupid perspectives among the hirers. Among them: I'm over 40. or 50. or 21. It doesn't matter how long you hung around the fort; what matters is what you've done! Having walked the earth as long as I have, I should have acquired a wealth of experience. This therefore should be a plus to a prospective employer, not a minus.
Talk about head-in-posterior-defolade "thinking" of the part of hirers! Or, there's the nonsense that "young people need jobs more than older people". Why?!? We are not disposable as of a certain age, but it certainly explains the myths about "death panels" in the press of late... And aren't these boneheads who are carrying on about "the youth" & "their needs" also the ones who decry a woman's Right to privacy in the matter of her reproductive organs? Lessee here - they want to commit statutory rape on women, but they also want us older ones - the ones with the wisdom & experience they really need - to live on air or disappear or.... Does not compute.
My resume could easily fill 7 - 8 pages; & no, of course I don't list all myexperience &/or expertise. I call it a "pick-&-choose" resume. And even so, it's "so0o impressive" the hirers say they can't decide what to focus on.
CRAP! They lie.
It's just like the menu in a restaurant. You don't go in & buy everything on the menu; you pick one or 2 things & pay for them. Hiring someone like me is identical to that.
The upside to this appears to be, after much prayer & meditation, I am to resurrect an old product of mine & put it back in the marketplace & see what comes of it. I made money with it the first time; perhaps it willsupport me now. With luck, in a style far better than what I currently have, so I can do more to help fulfill my SunDance vow's focus.
And when I need to hire help, you can be sure I'll hire old fogies, not "youth". We need to eat & such, too.